Jet Lag related sickness prevention 時差与季差 

Jet Lag 時差

  • travelling disconnect us from our usual environment
  • our bodies' bio-clock will be unsynchronized with the local environmental clock
  • unsynchronization make our body susceptible to sickness such as nose allergy, skin allergy, flu, cough, stomach pain, insomnia ...

Double Jet Lag

  • Day n Night time jet lag due to travelling between different time zones
  • Hot n Cold season jet lag due to travelling between northern and Southern Hemisphere

Day n Night time jet lag

  • easily affect the sleeping time and meal time
  • causing insomnia, sleepiness, burp, stomach pain, bowel disorder...
  • prevention technique:
    • sleep only when it is local time for sleep
    • most important sleeping time is 11pm-3am of local time
    • wakeup early, never sleep pass 11am in the morning
    • afternoon nap should lean back on a chair, never face down on the desk, never lie down in bed, keep it less than 20m
    • eat when it is local meal time but not too much, eat some ginger during or after meal if you feel stomach uneasy
    • eat snack only when you feel hungry during home meal time to prevent stomach from over acidic
    • Chinese: Have a good breakfast, a full lunch, a small dinner. 早餐要食得好,午餐要食得飽,晚餐要食得少。
    • English: For breakfast, eat like a king; for lunch, eat like a lord; for dinner, eat like a pauper.
    • European: Share your breakfast, keep the lunch to yourself, give the dinner to your enermy.

Hot n Cold season jet lag 季差

  • easily affect the normal activities of the lung and pores
  • causing nose allergy, skin allergy, cold, flu, cough...
  • prevention technique depends on the direction of change
  • Hot > Cold
    • before trip and start of trip:
    • reduce consumption of HOT food: chili, beef, lamb, curry, prawn, mango, pineapple
    • increase consumption of COLD food: water melon, yoghourt, sour taste food, vinegar, honey
    • Increase consumption of Decending food: almond or almond drinks
    • no consumption of Raising food: ginger, white pepper, chicken
    • hot short shower in morning, warm short or no shower in the evening; with good air circulation; never bath
    • try to use less heater, make sure fresh damp air is circulated, drink more honey water for dry throat and dry skin
    • exercise less and sweat less
  • Cold > Hot
    • before trip and start of trip: the opposite to Hot > Cold
    • reduce consumption of COLD food: water melon, yoghourt, sour taste food, vinegar, honey
    • increase consumption of Raising food: ginger, white pepper, chicken
    • increase consumption of HOT food: chili, beef, lamb, curry, prawn,
    • no consumption of Decending food: almond
    • hot long shower or bath in morning, warm short or no shower in the evening
    • exercise more and sweat more
Happy Travelling ^o^
E C Yan HUANG 黃炎2009
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